Dental Crowns and
Dental Bridges
Crowns are designed to completely cover your tooth. Bridges are a method of replacing a missing tooth by using the adjacent teeth to provide the support.
Dental crowns provide strength, and restore the tooth to its natural appearance and function. Crowns are a great solution for teeth that have been broken, or weakened by large fillings, or fractures. Dental bridges can replace one or several teeth and come in various materials and designs. A dental tooth bridge is ideal where implant surgery is not possible or not desired.
Detail of crown and bridge
Dental Crown and Bridge Treatment Process
There are numerous materials available for dental crowns and bridges, ranging from full gold, porcelain bonded to metal, to full porcelain materials, with further options within each category. Our professional team of dentists will explain the benefits and options each type of dental crown and bridge material to help you make the best choice for your smile.
Our dentist will proceed to prepare the teeth for the dental crown or bridge abutments under local anaesthetic. Preparation involves trimming and shaping the tooth to make it the ideal for the crown or bridge to come. An impression will be taken of the prepared tooth or teeth, the opposite jaw and the interrelationship. The impression will be sent to our dental laboratory along with detailed shading and design information for them to fabricate your dental crown or bridge.
It usually takes only one to two weeks for the dental laboratory in Abu Dabhi to fabricate your crown or bridge. Your will be provided with a temporary prosthesis while you wait for your next fitting appointment.
Our dental team will schedule an appointment to check the prosthesis for fit and occlusion before cementing the dental crown or bridge into place. Minor adjustments may be required at the final fit.
People also ask
Is crown bridge painful?
The short answer is no. Having bridges installed is not painful. However, you may experience some discomfort and sensitivity after the dental bridge treatment.
What is better a crown or a bridge?
Both restore your smile, but in slightly different ways. Dental crowns are better suited for people with a damaged or fractured tooth, extensive tooth decay or a misshapen tooth. Dental bridges are best for people who are missing a tooth and want a more secure repair.