Breast Lift


Plastic Surgery

What is

Breast Lift?

Your breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. Pregnancy, nursing, weight gain and loss, aging and gravity can cause breasts to soften and sag. Women who are unhappy with the shape, volume and/or firmness of their breasts may consider having breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy. A mastopexy raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast. A breast lift is often combined with breast augmentation surgery to increase both the firmness and size of the breasts.

Details of Breast Lift

What results can I expect?

Though results from your breast lift surgery are immediately visible, breast shape and position continue to settle over the next few months. Incision lines are permanent, but will continue to fade over time.

While the results of your surgery will be long lasting, over time your breasts can continue to change due to aging and gravity. You will be able to retain the results of your mastopexy by maintaining your weight and keeping a healthy lifestyle.


People also ask

How long does breast lift last?

Some patients find that their breast lift results last for well over 15 years while others may seek minor cosmetic alterations sooner. On average, breast lift results last for 10 to 15 years.

How painful is a breast lift?

While discomfort or pain after surgery is to be expected, women usually mention that breast reduction or breast lift surgery is a lot less painful than what they expected. Generally people comment that it's more 'discomfort or pain limited to the incisions', rather than pain within the breasts or over the chest.