Buttock Implants


Plastic Surgery

What is

Buttock Implants?

Butt implants are artificial devices surgically placed in the buttocks to create volume in the area.

Also called buttock or gluteal augmentation, this procedure has grown increasingly popular in recent years. The most popular types of buttock-related surgeries include butt lifts, implants, and augmentation with fat grafting.

Details of Buttock Implants

How a Buttock Implant Procedure Works

Silicone implants typically provide the best results when people want more definition in their posterior. They may not have enough fat tissue to make other butt augmentation procedures an option. Butt implants don’t work as well in people who have a sagging rear end because of recent weight loss.‌

After giving you anesthesia so you won’t feel anything, your doctor makes the cut to put in the implants. They can choose to make it in the top of your upper buttocks, at the bottom, or between the cheeks. The doctor puts the implants into or below the muscle in both sides of your buttocks. Every doctor has their preferred method of insertion and placement.


People also ask

How long do buttock implants last?

If you like your results, butt implants are permanent, so you won't need additional procedures to maintain the look.

Are buttock implants uncomfortable?

Most people have some pain after getting butt implants. You may be able to control it by taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication. Your doctor might also give you a prescription to help you manage the discomfort. The surgery may require you to have surgical drains that need emptying several times a day.