Fast, powerful, effective.
Weight loss works based on “calories in, calories out”, i.e., you need to be burning more calories than you take in through your daily food intake. The key to managing your weight successfully is in ensuring that the calories that you consume do not exceed the calories that you use.
There are also other factors to consider such as your age, body type and metabolism, on top of lifestyle factors such as your daily habits that all come into play into weight gain or loss.
Details of Technology
Consists of a pumping system delivered by special accessories equipped with air chambers. These chambers get inflated alternately, pushing fluids from the extremities of the limbs inwards, exerting a mechanical massage that stimulates and increases the efficiency of lymphatic and venous circulation. In practice, the device reproduces the mechanism of controlled compression on the limbs and the abdomen, with a distal-proximal movement (from the periphery towards the centre), simulating a manual lymphatic drainage massage.