What is Hand Rejuvenation?
During the natural aging process, there is a loss of collagen and elastin in the hands, which makes your tendons and veins more visible. The hands also receive as much sun exposure as the face but are often neglected when it comes to sun protection. This sun damage speeds up the aging process and makes your hands look even older. The visible signs of aging on the hands appear as age spots, prominent veins and tendons, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity.
Details of Hand Rejuvenation
How is Hand Rejuvenation treated?
There is a range of non-surgical treatment options that can rejuvenate them without significant downtime. Hand rejuvenation treatments aim to revitalize the hands and restore a youthful appearance, improving skin laxity, elasticity, firmness of the skin, and plumpness. There are several different techniques used by our doctors to improve the appearance of aging or sun-damaged hands, from laser treatments to dermal fillers and resurfacing, among other modalities.
People also ask
Does hand rejuvenation really work?
Does hand rejuvenation really work? Yes! Although brown spots, wrinkles, and prominent veins on the hands are all-natural aspects of the aging process, non-invasive hand rejuvenation techniques can both safely and effectively reduce the appearance of aging on the hands.
Why are my hands so wrinkly at 30?
Wrinkles are unavoidable throughout the natural aging process. Hand skin loses fat and elasticity the older you become, which causes more translucent skin, leading to wrinkles. Compared to the rest of the body, hands are especially vulnerable to wrinkles.