What Is a Gummy Smile?
Patients with a gummy smile are unhappy with their ratio of gum tissue to upper teeth. Ideally, our smiles should consist almost entirely of teeth with the gums barely visible.
Gummy smiles can be caused by several different factors, including:
Excess gum tissue
Abnormal development of the teeth
A short or hyperactive upper lip
A protruding upper jaw
During your consultation, I will examine your teeth and gums to determine the cause of your gummy smile. I will then provide recommendations for adjusting the appearance of your teeth and gums so you can enjoy the smile you want. In summary there are both reversible methods and more permanent techniques to correct this.
Detail of gummy smile
Resolve gummy smiles with our Smile Makeover
A beautiful smile is a combination of aesthetics and perception. Although it varies from individual to individual, a smile is usually perceived as ‘gummy’ when the gum tissue shows too much, or is over-prominent in comparison with the size of the teeth.
People also ask
Does gummy smile go away with age?
This condition is more common among women than men, especially those in their 20s and 30s, and its incidence decreases with age. An extreme case of gummy smile.
How much gummy smile is normal?
Some authors define a gummy smile as more than 3 to 4 mm of exposed gingival tissue in a smile, whereas others consider more than 2 mm of gingival exposure as excessive. [13] In general, a gum to lip distance of 4 mm or more during a smile is deemed as "unattractive" by dentists.